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SAP Price Staging Hub

Staged pricing solution for price catalogs, ecommerce listings, and sales quotations that depend on dynamic pricing


We’re Extending SAP Capabilities Across Vistex-Enabled Processes

Price Staging Hub provides ready-to-use pricing that syncs with your source of truth to avoid needless, repetitive re-determination for each query. This cloud-based solution offloads price calculation and publication from your core ERP, improving efficiency, enhancing the customer experience, and reducing pricing errors by providing accurate and up-to-date pricing information for ecommerce, quotations and CRM solutions.

Price Staging Hub is highly accurate and scalable, quickly providing numerous prices in response to many requests. It’s also a low-latency solution that determines pricing in advance and constantly monitors price dependencies to quickly adjust affected prices in near real time.

Price Catalogs

Deliver rapid-response pricing data whenever and wherever it’s needed to quickly create customized price catalogs for customers. Price Staging Hub continuously monitors for changes and recalculates in seconds.


Provide more responsive ecommerce experiences, quickly generate customer-specific catalogs and boost ecommerce cart and conversion rates. Scale to more easily manage millions of prices and transactions with ease, ensuring omnichannel buying experiences stay in sync.

Pricing Queries

Meet the pricing demands of unpredictable volume and complex calculations with real-time inquiry response times for quoting and ecommerce carts. You’ll no longer be competing for ERP resources needed for billing, finance, order allocation and more.

About the SAP Suite of Cloud Applications

This cloud-based innovation by Vistex addresses complex processes, specifically price, vendor, channel, and rights and royalty management. As a complete solution, Vistex implements, administers, and provides advisory services so you can realize the full benefit from the programs they run. The SAP Cloud Platform enables Vistex customers to leverage on-premise functionality into a native cloud environment.

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SAP Price Staging Hub

SAP Price Staging Hub

Learn more about how you can provide individualized, optimized and accurate pricing for customers with a centralized pricing repository that is always up to date.