Now it all adds up for Wihuri
Wihuri optimizes rebate and price management processes
with Vistex Solutions for SAP
Established in 1901, the Wihuri Group is a global Finnish industry and trade conglomerate engaged in packaging, daily goods wholesale, technical trade and aviation. When Finland’s highly competitive wholesale distribution industry forced Wihuri to accept low-profit margin agreements with its channel partners to maintain an acceptable inflow of revenue, this became a financial issue for the brand.
Rebate and pricing programs were poorly aligned with budgeting, making it difficult to calculate revenue and profit margins with any degree of accuracy. In addition, the manual rebate management, pricing and quoting processes bred inefficiency and increased the possibilities for errors and leakage. Wihuri needed a solution that would significantly improve its revenue and profit margins while also streamlining rebate management, pricing and quoting processes.
SAP margin optimization solutions by Vistex helped Wihuri simplify its rebate and price management processes and improved the flow of information. The Vistex solution focused on making supplier and customer rebates easier to track, allowing for settlements and reversal settlements to be easily completed through the system. This, in turn, made those settlements more correct and informative.
Fiori was used to provide new and more accurate data to aggregate forecasts in the most efficient way. Incentives were joined with quotation and pricing objectives and because of the disconnect between rebates, pricing methods, budgeting and profit margin calculations, Vistex created a new process for Wihuri — a profit margin simulation to determine the minimum price levels necessary for future profit margin changes, effects and subsequent management follow-ups. This resulted in an upgraded, simpler system.
Vistex brings immediate improvement to Wihuri’s pricing processes by offering a single tool for creating price quote details and referencing data used for accurate calculations. The solution permits Wihuri to predict those final profit margins exactly. This also allows for simulation capabilities to enable sales managers to more easily change pricing conditions and see real-time effects, while maintaining the details within a centralized system rather than scattering them across the workstations of multiple users. Wihuri now dedicates more staff time to proactive, real pricing management rather than reacting to issues.
The Vistex solution improves rebate management processes with tracking screens, making it easy to follow up on individual rebates and accruals directly to accounting. Rebate management responsibilities are more clearly defined. The settlement/invoicing process is also more effective, now yielding a financial benefit for Wihuri. Overall, SAP margin optimization solutions by Vistex makes Wihuri’s process easier to track with less manual work and fewer mistakes within a competitive market.
Established in 1901, Wihuri is a global Finnish industry and trade conglomerate engaged in packaging, daily goods wholesale, technical trade and aviation. Globally operating in 30 countries, the Wihuri Group focuses on enhancing its customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as preparing the organization for development, accountability and high-quality operations.
Headquarters: Helsinki, Finland
Industry: Wholesale Distribution
Revenue: €1.9 billion (2017)
Employees: 5,000
Solutions implemented:
SAP margin optimization solutions by Vistex
- SAP Incentive Administration by Vistex
- SAP Paybacks & Chargebacks by Vistex
- SAP Data Maintenance by Vistex, pricing option